Tuesday, July 14, 2009


If you know me...you know I have a passion for the sport of basketball. If you know that you will know without any hesitation my favorite squad will always be the Los Angeles Clippers...I do not have a favorite player and only twice have I ever lusted after any player.

In grade school my first love EVER was BJ Armstrong...around 95 I developed a teen crush over this young cat over at Georgetown with this bulldog tattoo on his arm. From that moment until early adulthood...Allen Iverson was the man for me. His all around game was official...the man was/still is a beast. He crossed Jordan up, rocked tattoos and braids in the league when it wasn't conventional...he was the player of all players.

Now it seems one of my all-time favorite players and my favorite squad might join forces and let me tell you...if this does in fact happen I will be the first to buy (I can't believe I would actually have to pay for season tickets...I used to get them for free. Boy did I mess that up) season tickets. Nothing is set in stone just yet but boy was my phone off the hook when this news broke.

I love this game!

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