Monday, April 27, 2009

Da Bulls...

Even though I haven't been a fan since my BJ Armstrong left the Bulls...yeah when BJ left it was a wrap, Damn that Jordan guy! The Bulls played what had to be the highlight game of all playoff games thus far yesterday afternoon. Had me changing the channels and cursing at the know how I get. Here are some clips.

I'll tell you this much...Ben Gordon in straight huff...GARBAGE! To be a semi vet his shot selections were horrible. Dude got lucky. Same thing goes for Tyrus Thomas...there was no reason for him to have the ball in his hands in the final seconds of OT trying to make clutch free throws. Dude wasn't even the best free throw shooter on the floor and his ass missed one. Stupid mistakes down the stretch because everyone wants to shine. Young teams I tell ya! It is one hell of a series though. D. Rose lead the way shooting over 50% at 10-17 and 23 points in 48 minutes

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