Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oh Jesus I love you so much....(be easy, it's a line from He Got Game)

If you gotta go out...that's how you go out, the Bulls played with much heart and played down to the final second of last night’s game. I really believe they can win two here at UC. If the Bulls played a better first half, they would have left Boston up 2. Like Boston (you do know Boston has two former Clipper players in rotation *Miki Moore and Eddie House*), each night the Bulls have a player that can step up. Saturday it was Rose, last night Gordon and any night Hinrich, Tyrus or hell even Tim Thomas can get hot. I really see the Bulls in 6.
This man right here though...I don't know what they told his ass in the Locker Room but between Jesus (Ray Allen) and Gordon that was one hell of a 2nd half.

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