Monday, June 8, 2009

LA to host the NBA All-Star game...yet again

Well…Well…Well! Over the weekend, the NBA announced Los Angeles will host yet another NBA All-Star weekend. This is wack on so many levels of wackness. Come on... All-Star was in LA in 2004! The All-Star game has been on this “West Coast” kick for too many seasons now. Let’s review…last time it was back East I believe was during 02 when the game was in Philly, since it has been in ATL (03), LA (04), Denver (05), Houston (06), Las Vegas (07), New Orleans (08) and Phoenix (09). Now out of all the places in these United States the games head back to LA? How about NY, Chicago, hell… even Miami. Come on D. Stern we can do better.

Read the story HERE

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