Friday, June 12, 2009

Let's talk parade....

So I have the Lakers taking it Tuesday, June 16th @ Staples and the Parade on Friday morning down Figueroa and ending at Staples. Sounds like I know the routine all too well doesn't...well I do. Being the fabulous LA native that I am (and having never been a Lakers fan for the record) I have had the opportunity to witness some hellafied (is that a word? I have to look this one up) Laker trophy parades.

Let's go back for a moment if you don't mind...

I remember my mom taking me out of school early (thanks mom) to attend the Lakers back to back parades at the GW Forum during the 86-87/87-88 season (not because I wanted to go but she was a fan like that. you haven't lived unless you've seen the song and dance she made up for Michael Cooper (Coooooop) when he hit those three's).

Now in this millennium I didn't go in 2000, I went in 01 but it was wack and I was pissed the Lakers did my boy AI like that...I was in love. As for the final victory parade that took place at Staples...I damn near lost my life. For one, I really didn't want to go. At the time I had just completed my internship with the Clippers (wanted to stay loyal) and I was about to start an internship with the Long Beach Summer Pro League (RIP). My fellow SPL interns wanted me to get out and street team for the pro league and by coincidence I had on a Jerry Stackhouse Detroit Pistons jersey that day (mind you the Lakers had already won the trophy and didn't even play Detroit), when I say I have never been so frightened in my life. Those LA OG Vatos were going to take me out. I have never had so much stuff thrown at me in all my life...from boo's and people trying to chase me down, it was a mess… Gotta love LA!!!

That was hands down the best LA parade I've had the luxury to attend and you better believe this time next Friday I will be posted in Staples Center (I don't do the outdoors anymore...flashbacks) checking out those World Champion Los Angeles Lakers. Clippers you got next!

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